Matt DiFebo, Principal
DiFebo has become known as the nation's leading expert in collegiate
ticket sales and call room operations. He has been recognized as
a pioneer who has revolutionized the industry in regards to how
college athletic departments can maximize revenue from ticket sales.
DiFebo is best known for being the architect in building the
model ticket sales and customer service program in collegiate athletics
at the University of Central Florida Athletic Association.
Under his direction the number of new season tickets has increased
by over 14,000, at its peak, and there have been significant increases
in football ticket sales revenue each of his four seasons with the
UCFAA. Ticket sales revenue has grown by over $4.5 million annually
and his ticket sales model has produced nearly $3 million in additional
donations to the UCFAA fundraising division, the Golden Knights
Club. In addition to success in increasing season ticket sales,
DiFebo has led efforts to incrementally increase revenue opportunities
with successful group sales initiatives and partial season ticket
plans for Football, Basketball and Baseball.
Basketball ticket sales have also increased substantially; season
ticket numbers have more than doubled and basketball revenue has
increased by over 400%.
DiFebo has built his expertise and experience over the years working
for the University of Central Florida Athletic Association, the
NBA's Seattle Sonics and WNBA's Seattle Storm as well as the Tampa
Bay Rays. He also gained experience in call room operations while
working for the Clinton Group, Inc. of Gainesville, Fla. where he
served in various supervisory and sales roles before being promoted
to Outsource Manager where his responsibilities included the management
of outsourced telemarketing programs and negotiating contracts for
outsourced programs.
A native of Pennsylvania, DiFebo is a graduate of the University
of Florida where he earned his Masters of Exercise Science in Sport
Management and his Bachelors in Recreation. He serves on the Migala
Report Editorial Board and has served on the Board of Managers at
the Central Florida YMCA. He is also involved with Big Brothers
Big Sisters of Central Florida.
In his spare time, he enjoys playing golf and reading.
Matt is also an avid runner and is currently training to run the
Chicago Marathon in October and the New York City Marathon in November.
He has completed nine full-marathons and three half-marathons since
January 2005; including four full-marathons in a six week timeframe
in January/February 2008.